hyee!!!!! look at the pic! this is what happen when blogger meets blogger! XDDD best giler kodd even ari niy last lepak2 with kawan2... my tummy is full again (bcause of chicken rice shop) terime kaseh kawan2 kerane belanje aq makan~ mentang2 aq da nak pinda TTwTT.. ok2 after eat, the first thing to do is tangkap gamba la~
haha our feet! mada tarinai?? mmg da jadi resmi kami tangkap gamba2 kaki busyuk weh~ canteq kan kaki2 ni~ ta payah jd mak datin pegi manicure tiap2 petang doe!
(02 february 2011)
XDDD KFC-mania! thanx to Ama for treating our tummy with chicken (again!) hehe best lepak ever la...i wanna say sorry to someone because i cant get to meet that person... kene la phm pasal hari2 yg da orang booking sejak minggu lepas xkan nak ade org laen interfere plak.. (kecuali Olan KFC tu mmg enterframe lah) XDD
again with our feet! it doesnt smell a little! x pecaye sudaa! btw nice footwear guys! len kali aq belanje kowang plak!
(29 february 2011)