hye peeps! join n follow my blog yo! nak story sket kat hangpa ni,, hangpa nak tau x 3 kisah pelik2? nak tau? meh sini aq crite one by one~
first is about "dude X"- (warning to dude X! if u read this on terase pedas, it's u im talking aboutXDD)
pade suatu ariey~ seperti biase aq on la Yahoo Mail aq yg da lame x bukak~ terbukti da lame x bukak pasal hmmm...jumlah inbox yang luar biase~ (thanx maksu for forwarding good mail) malah boxbe waiting list aq pown bapak lak banyak ngan message fb~ aq check la spam...tetibe kuar satu mail bertajuk -08- sender die laks name "dude X" ni tau...da lame aq x jumpe "dude X" walaupon da terserempak skali die mase jalan2 kat town..XDD for the first time aq bukak mail spam..tetibe lak mail ni attached...aq donlod la attachment uh..pastu boleh lak ala2 pah bedah mail ni Outlook Express~ aq on Outlook Express ku lalu melihat mail pelik dari "dude X" ni...tetibe... nak tau x tetibe ape?? kuang ajo nye "dude X" die anta aq laman web jual viagra seh!!! aq laknat ko la~ sanggup ko spam aq ngan mail ni..(fyi die anta mail -08- ni due kali tau..tu yg aq bukak uh) tp tunggu jap aq nak story pasal "dude X" ni lagi..."dude X" ni ensem tau budaknye..aq rse sape yg bace ni mesti knal nyer~ budak ni pandai..he was once my rival~ my only rival when i was ??~ tu je k~ private story nak tau sape? msj aq k~ aq xsangke die promo viagra kat aq~ gatal ko "dude X" mmg x silap lagi "X" la yg anta mail ni kat aq doe~ sape recognise dude ni msj aq la~ meh kite interview sket sape dude x ni sebena ek~
secondly is about "girl Y" she is acting weird~ (im sorry girl Y i dont mean to talk bout u here XDD)
ade la budak ni an..tegur aq kat IM..fyi aq layan sumer owang at IM ni...kawan biar seribu bercinta biar satu kan?? "gilr Y" popped me in the middle of a game~ game what?? Tinierme!! join me la~ off topic laxx XDD so pasal Y ni kan..tatau la tetibe je die mintak sowi sebab she told me shoujo n shounen shouldn't be talking without reason~ (mcm ayat "Ustazah Z" aq lak..btw aq nak memohon maaf at Ustazah pasal selame ni aq kutox die)
yes i knew we shouldn't talk at first but..kan ke xbaek klu kitew x balas IM owang?? so aq puji perbuatan "girl Y" ni sebab patuh arahan agame~ tetapi aq berade dlm keadaan tertekan lepas die ckp camtu..pasal aq kawan ngan 20 gurls n 5 boys~ aq kawan sumer same rate~ sume aq gado2..sume aq gelak2..sume aq ajar2...sume aq sediy2~ BFFR kan? best friends for real~ camne klu aq input kan statement from Y in my life?? i would be in trouble rite? hmmm tp dalam kelas aq ke2 terpandai~ it is my tanggungjawab tu help "all of them" in study~ especially Math n Science...akan ade perbualan kan dlm aktiviti ini? adakah berdose? from my point of view = i can be friends with anyone n i can be enemy with anyone...just control yourself from doing bad things..mcm kapel ke...pegang2 ke...pandang2 ke.... ok2 ok2 abes pasal citer girl ni~ malas aq nak tulis lagi~ to "girl Y" no offends here frens~
the third is myself's story
aq rse dilemma tahap karma!!!! pasal skowl next year!!! nak skowl stpd ke sdasa??? klu dpt mrsm, mrsm la..tp klu x dapat (pasal time UPSR pown ta dapat gak) nak skola mane??? klu kat stpd owang kate cikgu2 die ta bagos...towl ke?? klu camtu rosak la mase depan aq~T_T aq amat pentingkan mase depan!!! klu kat stpd nnti nak kene pkai ape?? (baju la doe..xkan gown kodd XDD) nak ke aq jd librarian kat st?? dengar citer kod unifom librarian kat st white n black~ iin ja nai?? canteq kod nye~dilemma aq ni ditambah lagi dengan result exam yg akan di kuar kan 23 ari bulan ni~
DX im dead!! even kawaii onionhead says im dead DX..wat if i didn't get perfect result (8A) mampos bagi aq...bagus bg sesetengah owang~
btw these onionheads is makin' me crazy!!!! thanx to that china dude for blogging these onions! lol im talking about ONIONS!? want the link~ its a chinese blog dude!
http://blog.roodo.com/onion_club/archives/cat_109038.html&page=1 is the link!!!
this night is damn HOT!!! pasal aq terbace blog PARI KECIL pasal mat2 pondan ya a'aw! mmg hot pown pasal hujan dr pagi smpai petang yaw! malam nye HOT
from now on aq xnak fikir2 banyak2 lg~ nnti aq overload pastu pengsan...da la aq ni ade thalassemia (ade kowt pasal da due kali pengsan dlm toilet XDD) naseb baek aq sedar baleq
to all my beloved n bloody frens~ do not ever ever dump me!
ok2 ok2~ aq nak komen pasal "dude X" la~ wahai dude X! bersyukurlah dgn ape yg ko ade...ko ade ape yg aq xde....so jangan nak wat keje2 bodo spam me ngan bende2 x senonoh weh~
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